Wednesday 4 August 2010

Proposition 8

Not, strictly speaking, related to Saved by the Bell, but as this is an LGBT-themed review blog and our beloved Bayside students went to school and mostly to college in California and may well still live there, we can't let this go by with a nice mention.

Proposition 8, an addition to the California state constitution to "protect"marriage by banning same-sex marriage and thereby denying same-sex couples equal rights, has been ruled unconstitutional.
A mayor victory for LGBT-rights activist, who've fought, and continue to fight hard for their rights, including the right to marry.
A toast to you all!

We are hoping that the next* Saved by the Bell movie will involve Slater marrying the long-time partner we like to think he found after he'd gotten over his schoolboy crush on Zack, who will totally be his best man. There should also be puppies.

* Yes, we do realise this is most unlikely. No, we will not stop hoping.

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