This blog is about all those moments in Saved by the Bell that have you going "Huh. And we're supposed to assume these kids are totally straight?" and enjoying the interpretations that are more fun and at times make much more sense than the straighter explanations the networks want us to buy into.
Back in them days, LGBT characters weren't that common in U.S. television. Never mind U.S. television aimed at children. Not that we get perfect representation today, but that's life for ya.
What this means is that if you want to get your queer on SbtB-wise, you're going to have to read between the lines.
Spot those rainbow suspenders and see them for what they really are - a clear sign of allegiance to the LGBT community - rather than early 90s fashion.
Notice those coy looks and touches when you're actually supposed to be paying attention to something else.
Extrapolate wildly and make a ton of leaps and assumptions because outdated codes will not permit the showing of what is so clearly there if only you look at it correctly.
We at Quaint Nothings are committed to helping you spot, notice, extrapolate, leap, and assume as much as possible within the SbtB-universe.*
It should go without saying, but this blog is an LGBT-friendly zone. Homo-/bi-/trans-phobic behaviours, including but not limited to the use of "that's gay" when going on about how something is stupid,** are not acceptable. All part of that friendly general internet etiquette, which applies here as much as on other blogs. If you think we've written something that betrays outdated points of view, please let us know. We're far from perfect and not learning what is and what isn't considered offensive largely from popculture means mistakes will likely be made at some point.
Also, this blog is not about gossip or the Real World as it supposedly exists outside of Bayside, and therefore not about the orientations of any of the actors involved, or indeed anything else regarding their private lives. Speculations regarding such things should be taken off-piste.
And now you know.
This is a blog written by adults grown up outside of the influence of the FCC who don't think human sexuality is a topic to approach with caution or restraint and have no problem with profanity. While not prone to foul-mouthiness or gratuitous mention of anything sexual, those things are likely to come up at some point and we will not apologise for that.
Educational and relevant PSA:
* With the possible exception of spottings, notices, extrapolations, leaps, and assumptions regarding episodes of Good Morning Miss Bliss and SbtB: The New Class. This blog will focus mostly on SbtB proper and SbtB: The College Years. If you're desperate for some non-hetero analysis for Good Morning Miss Bliss or SbtB: The New Class, feel free to write it and send it in, or contact us about becoming a contributor.
**Not applicable if mentioned as relating to Bryan Safi's work.